Here are some of the many reasons property investors choose us:

Our property management services ensure a higher weekly rental income, quality tenants that care for your investment, competitive property management fees and our commitment in securing the maximum capital growth on your investment.
We protect your investment with:
• Zero tolerance for rental arrears
• Detailed tenant selection process
• Regular rental increases
• 4 comprehensive inspections yearly

Maximum ROI

By ensuring your investment property is never vacant between tenancies, we guarantee to get you the best possible ROI. The fastest way to dramatically reduce your ROI is to have a property empty for several weeks. We ensure you are getting a fair market rental.
Maximum Rental Increases
We invest time in maximizing your return by understanding the market demand and increasing your weekly rent accordingly. Recently we increased a client’s rental from $460 per week to $520 per week. That $60 a week increase has raised the clients return by $3,120 PA or $15,600 over the next 5 years. This isn’t a once off example, we have many. At the end of the tenant lease, with the correct notice, considerable increases are possible.

Online Access To Your Property 24/7

You will never be left wondering about the status of your investment. You can log into our online cloud-based internet portal anytime, anywhere. You’ll be able to view your income statement, maintenance request, arrears and more.

Very Competitive Fees

When comparing fees, make sure to compare your property’s ROI including lost revenue from vacancy rates and rental increases. We are able to give you a strong Return on Investment for a reasonable fee.
• 7.5% plus GST property management fee
• 1 weeks rent plus GST letting fee
• $5.50 per month for bank fees and Petties
• We have no other fees.
6 Month Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
We pride ourselves on transparency and believe that honesty is the best policy. We back our claim so that you can get a taste of how you should be treated by giving you a guarantee.
*In the first 6 months if you are not happy with our service we will refund you the property management portion of our fees in full ( conditions apply )

Exclusive Vacancy Management System Marketing Pack

Our marketing attracts the best tenants. We encourage our clients to benefit from the property being photographed professionally and having an exclusive Matterport 3D colour floor plan filmed. Plus, the online advertisement being upgraded to the largest possible ad size.

Quality Tenants

We place quality tenants into your property, fast.
But this does come at a small cost, which we will subsidize for you. So the maximum you would pay for all this marketing is $265. Small change compared to a 2 week vacancy.

Low Vacancies

If a $500 per week property sits empty for 2 weeks that’s a staggering $1,000 income the investor has just lost. We ensure you will have the least possible vacancy thereby maximizing returns.

Rental income paid either Monthly or fortnightly, you choose

Getting your rental income each fortnight can assist with reducing your loan interest. Compounding over time can make a considerable difference to the total interest paid over the life of a loan.

Comprehensive 3 monthly inspections

We use the very latest technology to provide you with the most comprehensive inspection reports in the industry. Combined with our very practical experience you will feel like you have visited your investment property yourself. One of the very exciting tools exclusively available to Pumicestone Property Management is the Matterport 3D camera. This system completely documents every nook and cranny, every mark, every fixture in very high definition 3D photography. This system puts an end to disputes over property condition at lease end exits.